EMV | Linux POS | Affordable | Secure | Reliable | Modern – Since 2005 

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Monday-Friday: 9am-6pm
Saturday: 11am-3pm
Sunday: Closed



General Inquiry:  925-417-0762
Sales:  888-975-1118 ext 1
Support:  888-975-1118 ext 2
After Hours Support:   888-975-1118 ext 3
Elite care client option: 888-975-1118 ext 4 for call back within 30 min to schedule appointment
24/7 Tech Support: 877-808-9615
or email us at support@astpos.com
If you have credit card processing issues, please check Internet is working and all networking is proper else contact the merchant card companies listed below before calling us.
First Data:  800-416-7716
Open Edge: 800 774 6462
Heartland: 866-976-7101
Moneris: 888-890-1442  E-Select: 866-686-0488
Velocity: 866-485-8999×1300  EPX 877-804-4072
Mercury: 800 846 4472
Merchant First/GoSwiff gateway: 855-220-2840×1024


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